Live Better Foundation

We established the Live Better Foundation to help those who truly can’t afford hearing aids get the help they need, within the communities where we live and work. This non-profit foundation is consistent with one of our important core values: to be of benefit to people in our communities.

In our work at Live Better Hearing + Balance, we encountered numerous individuals struggling with hearing loss. However, what struck us most was how many of these individuals were unable to afford the care they desperately needed. This was more than a healthcare issue; it was a matter of quality of life, of being connected to the world around them.

That’s why our mission is simple yet profound: to ensure that no one is denied the opportunity to hear better because of financial limitations. We believe that quality hearing care is not just a service but a fundamental right that should be accessible to all, regardless of their economic status.

If you or a loved one can not afford hearing aids, we are here to help. Please download and fill out the application form to determine your eligibility. 

Download Application

If you have any questions, would like to make a hearing aid donation, or make a financial contribution, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or call (240) 206-3101.

You can learn more about the Live Better Foundation at 

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